Hemlibra (emicizumab) ir paplašinātas lietošanas indikācijas, pievienojot sekojošo - vidēji smaga slimība (FVIII ≥ 1% and ≤ 5%) ar smagu asiņošanas fenotipu. Jaunā indikācija pamatojas uz HAVEN 6 pētījuma datiem. Pētījuma primārās analīzes rezultātu publikācija ir pieejama The Lancet Haematology žurnālā.
Mmedikamentam Hemlibra (emicizumab) ir paplašinātas lietošanas indikācijas, pievienojot sekojošo:
- vidēji smaga slimība (FVIII ≥ 1% and ≤ 5%) ar smagu asiņošanas fenotipu
Hemlibra indikācijas:
Hemlibra ir indicēts asiņošanas ikdienas profilaksei pacientiem ar A hemofīliju (pārmantotu
VIII faktora deficītu):
- kuriem ir VIII faktora inhibitori;
- kuriem nav VIII faktora inhibitori, kuriem ir:
- smaga slimība (FVIII < 1%);
- vidēji smaga slimība (FVIII ≥ 1% and ≤ 5%) ar smagu asinošanas fenotipu.
Hemlibra var lietot visās vecuma grupās.Pilnu zāļu aprakstu lūgums skatīties šeit
Jaunā indikācija pamatojas uz HAVEN 6 pētījuma datiem. Pētījuma primārās analīzes rezultātu publikācija ir pieejama The Lancet Haematology žurnālā un elektroniski šeit
Emicizumab in people with moderate or mild haemophilia A (HAVEN 6): a multicentre, open-label, single-arm, phase 3 study
Négrier C, Mahlangu J, Lehle M, Chowdary P, Catalani O, Bernardi RJ, Jiménez-Yuste V, Beckermann BM, Schmitt C, Ventriglia G, Windyga J, d’Oiron R, Moorehead P, Koparkar S, Teodoro V, Shapiro AD, Oldenburg J, Hermans C. Lancet Haematology. 2022; DOI: 10.1016/S2352-3026(22)00377-5
- Data regarding prophylactic treatment options for people with moderate or mild haemophilia A (HA) are scarce.
- The primary analysis of HAVEN 6 evaluated the safety and efficacy of emicizumab prophylaxis in 72 people with moderate or mild HA without factor (F)VIII inhibitors who warranted prophylaxis.
- Results of HAVEN 6 show no new safety signals, clinically meaningful bleed control across all bleeding endpoints, and benefits in additional patient-relevant endpoints.
- The findings of this study demonstrate the favourable benefit–risk profile of emicizumab in people with moderate or mild HA without FVIII inhibitors who warrant prophylaxis.
- HAVEN 6 is an ongoing Phase III, multicentre, single-arm, open label study for people of all ages with moderate or mild HA.
- Safety was the primary objective of the study; endpoints included adverse events (AEs); serious adverse events (SAEs); and adverse events of special interest, including thromboembolic events (TEs) and thrombotic microangiopathies (TMAs).
- The primary efficacy endpoint was annualised bleed rate (ABR) for treated bleeds, assessed using negative binomial regression.
- At clinical cut-off date (October 30, 2021), a total of 72 participants (51 [71%] patients with moderate HA and 21 [29%] patients with mild HA) were enrolled and commenced treatment (median follow-up: 55.6 weeks)
- The majority of participants were male (96%; n=69) and three were female (4%).
- At baseline, 24 (33%) participants had target joints and 37 (51%) participants were on FVIII prophylaxis.
- Results demonstrated no new safety signals
- In total, 15 (21%) participants reported an AE that was related to emicizumab; injection-site reactions were the most common treatment-related AE and were reported in 12 (17%) participants.
- Overall, 8 (11%) participants reported a total of 10 SAEs, none of which were considered treatment-related.
- No TMAs were reported; one participant experienced grade 1 thrombosed haemorrhoids, classified as a TE, considered unrelated to emicizumab.
- Consistent efficacy was shown across all bleeding endpoints, aligned with results of other HAVEN studies
- The model-based ABR (95% confidence interval) for treated bleeds on-study was 0.9 (0.55–1.52).
- The treatment burden domain of the CATCH showed a trend to improvement, duration of time spent in moderate-to-vigorous activity was stable, and most participants (96.2%) reported preference for emicizumab over their previous HA treatment.
The results from the primary analysis of HAVEN 6 showed consistent efficacy and a favourable safety profile of emicizumab in people with non-severe HA. Hence, emicizumab represents a valuable treatment option for people with non-severe HA without FVIII inhibitors warranting prophylaxis.
Sagatavots: Februāris 2023, M-LV-00000520